A lot has been written about the increased agility, customer service and productivity benefits of using Cloud-based business communications services. Cloud services enable many worker types, such as executives, knowledge workers, project managers and customer service staff can work productively anywhere. Services such as InCom and Broadsoft's UC-One My Room enable the dispersed workforce to regain the benefits of spontaneous “water cooler” conversations.
However, there’s another tangible benefit to more agile, flexible working practice – and that’s the reduction of traditional office space required.
With office space rental costing anywhere from $4,000 to $14,000 per year*, per employee in major US cities, freeing workers from their cubicles can save organizations serious amounts of cash!
Some have even gone the extra mile, and become completely virtual enterprises, with no traditional bricks and mortar office premises. While this will probably remain the exception rather than the rule, there's no doubt Cloud communications and near-ubiquitous broadband is providing unprecedented freedom in where and how we choose to work and live our lives.
*Source: Market Watch and TheSquareFoot, 2015 data.